Thursday, July 3, 2008

Biri Island Trip with French Ambassador

Last Wednesday, we went on a boat trip with the French Ambassador. It took us 30 minutes to reach the docks and there we rode a boat to the beautiful Biri Island. The 30 minute boat ride led us to the docks of Biri where we were welcomed by school kids waiving French Flags.

The mayor of the municipality was also there to welcome us.

Anyway, after the pleasantries, each of us were assigned a motorbike and driver. It was a fun experience, driving through the town and admiring the people and sites. Our destination was the beautiful rock formations of Biri Island. Lots of newly planted mangroves adorned the area. We had to wade along ankle deep water to reach the rock formations. The two year old that came along had to be carried on the shoulder's of her dad.

What a site, with lots of sea birds flying within the area. We rested along the rocks near the sea and had lunch.

Lots of "kupapa" and sandwiches for lunch. "Kupapa" is the local name of the small lobsters we have here. They taste better than any lobsters out there. As the French Ambassador said it tastes juicier. This is one beautiful site, that makes you realize how beautiful the Philippines really is. Too bad that it isn't promoted as much as it should be.

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