Friday, July 4, 2008

Fastest Bangka In Samar

Three times a week I go on boat trips with guests. We needed a fast boat so as a present to my wife, I had the fastest bangka built here in Samar.

It has cushioned seats and place holders for wine and drinks. Every boat trip we embark on, we have the usual sandwiches that are prepared from Bobon Beach Resort. We also take with us "Kupapa" and lobsters that we get from San Jose. While traveling, we occasionally witness dolphins and swordfishes jumping around. It is a real calm peaceful adventure, laying down feeling the cool breeze on your face while enjoying the beautiful shores and islands that are scattered around Samar. Our boat rides usually lasts for 30 minutes to an hour and a half so we just enjoy the company of friends and loved ones with a bottle or two of wine.

This boat takes us to San Antonio from Allen docks in just 30 minutes and we plan to take it soon to Boracay which would take only 6 hours. It truly is the fastest bangka in Samar.

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