Friday, July 4, 2008

Paradise Island With White Powder Sand

During my regular boat rides to Biri Island, I noticed this beautiful island in San Jose. It has a beautiful white beach and some mangroves adorn the area. I purchased this a few months back and I'm planning to put up a large 2 story octagon with roof deck and windows all around to really get the perfect panorama out there which will catch both -sun rise and sun set plus the cool sea breeze.

This beach is perfect for a holiday home or for permanent living and also well fitted for high-end dive and beach resort. It has marine life, amazing corals and a clean environment.

A guest of mine is interested putting up her Dream House here. Because of the amazing view and sea breeze, I recommended an elevated construction. The island is only 1 mile or 4 minutes with boat from our resort and our Paradise Village

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Lunch at the Pearl Farm

One of the sites that I take my guests to is the Pearl Farm. This place used to be a pearl farm, thus the name.

The island hosts the cleanest beach I have ever seen so I purchased a small front and put up an octagon so we could have lunches there.

The sand is pink which is caused by the mixture of white sand and red coral. You can find tons of beautiful shells around as well as red and blue corals washing off the shore. The water is perfect for Scuba Diving and Snorkeling.

To get here, we take our boat which takes about an hour and a half from Allen.

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Fastest Bangka In Samar

Three times a week I go on boat trips with guests. We needed a fast boat so as a present to my wife, I had the fastest bangka built here in Samar.

It has cushioned seats and place holders for wine and drinks. Every boat trip we embark on, we have the usual sandwiches that are prepared from Bobon Beach Resort. We also take with us "Kupapa" and lobsters that we get from San Jose. While traveling, we occasionally witness dolphins and swordfishes jumping around. It is a real calm peaceful adventure, laying down feeling the cool breeze on your face while enjoying the beautiful shores and islands that are scattered around Samar. Our boat rides usually lasts for 30 minutes to an hour and a half so we just enjoy the company of friends and loved ones with a bottle or two of wine.

This boat takes us to San Antonio from Allen docks in just 30 minutes and we plan to take it soon to Boracay which would take only 6 hours. It truly is the fastest bangka in Samar.

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Biri Island Trip with French Ambassador

Last Wednesday, we went on a boat trip with the French Ambassador. It took us 30 minutes to reach the docks and there we rode a boat to the beautiful Biri Island. The 30 minute boat ride led us to the docks of Biri where we were welcomed by school kids waiving French Flags.

The mayor of the municipality was also there to welcome us.

Anyway, after the pleasantries, each of us were assigned a motorbike and driver. It was a fun experience, driving through the town and admiring the people and sites. Our destination was the beautiful rock formations of Biri Island. Lots of newly planted mangroves adorned the area. We had to wade along ankle deep water to reach the rock formations. The two year old that came along had to be carried on the shoulder's of her dad.

What a site, with lots of sea birds flying within the area. We rested along the rocks near the sea and had lunch.

Lots of "kupapa" and sandwiches for lunch. "Kupapa" is the local name of the small lobsters we have here. They taste better than any lobsters out there. As the French Ambassador said it tastes juicier. This is one beautiful site, that makes you realize how beautiful the Philippines really is. Too bad that it isn't promoted as much as it should be.

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Welcome to our Paradise here in Bobon, Northern Samar!!

Greetings to you all. My name is Chris and I'd like to give you a feel of life here in our own paradise.

We are around 100 ex-pats from 30 different nations - living a very good and harmonic life in this Paradise.
With clean environment and a fantastic nature where amazing, pacific islands and white, sandy beaches are the frames around our very secure life here.
With the lowest crime rate - and population - in the country is it very safe too.
the wild life is unique and here are plenty of fish like huge Blue Marlin, Tuna and others plus huge 5 kilograms lobsters and much, much more to be caught and served.
We go islands-trips together, we have barbecue evenings, we go river trips to the amazingly beautful water falls, some do caving in the largest and deepest caves in SE Asia and so on - we are not bored at all, with other words.
And out cost of living is approx 10 % of what we did spend in USA and EU.
And taxes minimal too.

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