Friday, July 4, 2008

Paradise Island With White Powder Sand

During my regular boat rides to Biri Island, I noticed this beautiful island in San Jose. It has a beautiful white beach and some mangroves adorn the area. I purchased this a few months back and I'm planning to put up a large 2 story octagon with roof deck and windows all around to really get the perfect panorama out there which will catch both -sun rise and sun set plus the cool sea breeze.

This beach is perfect for a holiday home or for permanent living and also well fitted for high-end dive and beach resort. It has marine life, amazing corals and a clean environment.

A guest of mine is interested putting up her Dream House here. Because of the amazing view and sea breeze, I recommended an elevated construction. The island is only 1 mile or 4 minutes with boat from our resort and our Paradise Village

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At June 12, 2019 at 8:34 PM , Blogger clar said...

Philippines is so blessed with the wonders of nature!!!


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